Enter your latex forumula in markdown file within $ symbols.
#### Annual effective interest rate
$r = (\frac{X_T}{X_0})^\frac{1}{T} - 1$
In other words: $X_T = X_0(1+r)^T$
First install readme2tex:
sudo pip install readme2tex
python3 -m readme2tex --nocdn --output OUTPUT.md INPUT.md
This will automatically create a directory svgs inside the same directory containing the images generated for the latex formulae.
However Github doesn't allow to render svg files inside a markdown due to some security reasons.
So, lets convert these svg files to png format.
Install imagemagick
sudo apt install imagemagick
Then convert all svg files to png files using the command:
for file in *.svg; do convert -density 1200 $file ${file%svg}png; done
You can also do the above using inkscape
Open the file OUTPUT.md and replace ".svg" to ".png" everywhere.
for file in *.svg; do inkscape $file
-w 1200 --export-png=${file%svg}png; doneOpen the file OUTPUT.md and replace ".svg" to ".png" everywhere.
The OUTPUT.md should look something like:
#### Annual effective interest rate
<img src="svgs/09abd6964a4a7789fa914edf5d65a0ca.png?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=107.73658500000002pt height=31.359569999999987pt/>
In other words: <img src="svgs/69f4ffcb7136df5381543f273dc01b7a.png?invert_in_darkmode" align=middle width=125.38779000000001pt height=27.656969999999987pt/>
You are done.
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